Designed for low to medium intensity stacking operations, with capacities ranging between 1200 and 1600kg and lifting height up to 8.5m, the Toyota BT Reflex B-series is a straightforward reach truck, mainly used in smaller manufacturing sites or storages areas. These safe and compact models, with retractable mast offer, experienced and less experienced drivers easy load handling. The intuitive operator compartment supports drivers even more in the various tasks they need to carry out during the day.
A basic reach truck with simple features and functions, that’s what the Toyota BT Reflex RRE120B – RRE160B is. Offering everything a driver needs: good visibility, intuitive layout of the controls, adjustable seating position and good performance.
Clean design of the mast, chassis and roof of the Toyota entry-level reach trucks offer the operator excellent view to the load.
Choice of seat, adjustable floor and comfortable armrest help the operator to stay productive throughout an entire shift with the Toyota BT Reflex B-series.
Our B-series offers easy access to the battery charger plug and can be ordered with a roller bed for quick swapping of lead-acid batteries.
These basic reach trucks can be ordered with 180° or 360° steering. The first one is perfect for less experienced drivers that operate the truck occasionally.