The “G” in the ESRS disclosures stands for controlled and transparent corporate management. The disclosure outlines requirements for detailed corporate reporting on topics such as corporate values or management and control processes.
‘We aim to build an ethical business culture across our value chain, that’s why we focus on policies, processes and KPI’s’
Lars Hägerborg
CFO, Toyota Material Handling Europe
Our Compliance Committee has the responsibility to oversee matters of legal compliance - including our approach to Anti-Bribery and Corruption and Competition law Compliance.
We have established policies and guidelines to set internal standards, leading to a harmonised way of working. Policies are mandatory, guidelines give space for local entities to implement.
Our suppliers have accompanied us on our ESG journey for many years. We have asked them to become ISO14001 certified, as this ensures compliance with environmental legislation and requires policies from suppliers to reduce their environmental impact. As a result of this commitment, 98% of our direct material suppliers with an annual purchase value of over € 100K are already certified.
We have also established a set of criteria, based on EcoVadis methodology, that suppliers must adhere to. We also put special focus on employees working directly with suppliers – employees receive specific training on responsible purchasing.
EcoVadis provides a global business sustainability ratings network - comprised of over 150,000 companies, from 160+ countries, across more than 200 industries. Its online platform allows multinationals to access ratings of their selected suppliers.
As a European organisation we use EcoVadis to manage our sustainability performance. We have been rated over 70 out of 100 on our approach to both business ethics and responsible procurement.
In our most recent sustainability report, five relevant topics were considered as material based on the most recent Materiality Matrix and therefore included in our reporting process: ‘Governance’, ‘Compliance’, ‘Bribery and Corruption’, ‘Risk Management’ and ‘Responsible Purchasing’.
Following a new double materiality assessment (DMA) - focused on which areas will have the most impact materiality and financial materiality on Toyota Material Handling Europe – we identified 2 material issues: Corporate culture and Prevention and detection including training and incidents.
A double materiality assessment (DMA) is a crucial component for companies to align with the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). Companies must not only consider how their activities impact people and the environment across the value chain but also anticipate how sustainability issues can affect the company financially. The DMA results provide strategic direction and we will review and adjust their associated targets annually to reflect our ever-changing material issues and to ensure alignment with the CSRD.
Established in November 2023, the ESG Committee has become an integral driver in our transition to become a more sustainable business. To ensure absorption of Toyota’s sustainability priorities throughout the company, the Committee meets monthly, tracking the development of our ESG targets and proposing recommendations to our Executive Management Team to help drive progress.
The ESG Committee is composed of directors who report to different members of the Executive Management Team, informing them on a range of issues, including net zero and circular economy, diversity, health & safety, employee satisfaction and EcoVadis assessments. The Committee also leads a project to design risk management and internal control systems for future sustainability legislation and reporting demands. Representing key internal and external stakeholders, the Committee advocates on their behalf to ensure their priorities are addressed and integrated into our company’s sustainability strategy.
Code of Conduct is our fundamental compass, which contains guidance and a set of binding rules regarding ethical behaviour for all employees. The document comprises of rules that cover topics like discrimination and human rights, and offers guidance regarding use of company assets, insider trading, compliance with local legislation and environmental preservation.
All employees, among others, are trained on our Code of Conduct biannually, with regular updates and bi-annual training courses guaranteeing employees are aware of any changes or adaptations.
Our Code of Conduct Helpline is a third-party platform, available to all employees, suppliers and customers who wish to raise concerns. Available every day, 24/7, it can be accessed by phone or via the website to raise any concerns. Managed by our Head of Legal Counsel, you can also request to get assistance of an independent third party, if anonymity is preferred.
More info on whistleblowing & anti-retaliation procedures >>
Read more about G1 - Business conduct in our Sustainability report >>